"America, Humble Yourselves & Pray" (HumblePray) challenges believers to drive societal transformation from the ground up, emphasizing that while political engagement is important, our hope for America’s renewal does not rest on political solutions alone. Grounded in Scripture, we promote a Christianity that moves beyond personal belief to active societal engagement. We draw inspiration from the early Church's dedication, advocating for a life marked by obedience, service, and community involvement.
Our commitment is to spark a movement of repentance, prayer, and action, encouraging the Church to apply biblical principles in all life areas, thereby creating a culture of Christian self-governance. This call to action seeks to mobilize believers to demonstrate Christ’s love through service and to advocate for a society founded upon God’s word.
Join us in this mission to inspire faith-driven change, shaping a community that actively contributes to America’s transformation through the gospel.
Christian Reconstruction: Guided by God's Word
Christian Reconstruction asserts the necessity of rebuilding all facets of life, society, government, and culture on the foundation of God's unchanging word. This directive challenges believers to extend the application of biblical principles beyond personal belief to the structural makeup of our communities and nation.
Emphasizing God's word as the ultimate standard, HumblePray encourages a movement where justice, mercy, and truth shape our collective existence. Our call is not for passive observation but for active engagement in demonstrating the gospel's transformative power across every sphere of influence.
The shift away from biblical governance has led to an undue reliance on secular (pagan) institutions for addressing social needs, diminishing the Church's role. We advocate for Christians to reassume their biblically mandated responsibilities, fostering a society that honors God and reflects His kingdom on earth. Through active involvement in charity, education, and advocacy, believers embody Christian self-governance, proving faith through works.
In this vision, every believer is invited to participate in a bold reclamation of culture, guided by the unwavering truth of Scripture. HumblePray stands as a call to action, to live out God's word in a way that visibly impacts our world for His glory.
Abortion Abolition: Upholding God's Law and the Imago Dei
HumblePray affirms human life, created in the image of God, is sacred from conception. Recognizing abortion as murder, we uphold God's law, demanding equal justice for all, born and preborn. This stance is rooted in theonomy, emphasizing that divine law mandates the protection of life, underscoring the value of every individual as an image-bearer of God.
Our commitment extends beyond political discourse to a profound duty to align society with God’s commands, ensuring the preborn are defended with unwavering legal resolve. As Reconstructionists, we advocate for a legal and cultural framework recognizing abortion as a grave injustice, punishable in accordance with God's law.
We challenge believers to actively engage in the abolition of abortion, not merely as an issue of personal conviction but as a requisite for a just society.
Reclaiming Our Role in Society Through Biblical Conviction
HumblePray highlights a significant shift in the Church's societal engagement, pointing out an alarming trend: our retreat from God-given responsibilities in charity and social welfare to secular hands. This retreat has not only undermined our service in line with God's law but also ceded ground to secular worldviews. These views, inherently opposed to God and His statutes, now shape civil government and culture, challenging the very essence of biblical Christianity. The presumed neutrality of secular institutions is debunked; their worldviews, far from being neutral arbitrators among religions, are belief systems themselves, manifesting hostility toward biblical truths.
In the face of this, HumblePray calls for a bold reclamation of biblically grounded living and societal engagement. We dispel the illusion of neutrality and the restricted notion of faith as merely personal or for Sunday worship. We affirm that God's word governs all spheres of life—family, culture, society, state, politics, arts, sciences—and its application is crucial for both believer and unbeliever. Being salt and light means applying God's word to halt societal decay. Permitting laws that enable child murder, body defilement, and civilizational collapse is antithetical to loving our neighbor. While adherence to God's law doesn't redeem society from sin, it prevents societal self-destruction.
Our journey requires more than words; it demands tangible action to reshape society in the image of God's righteousness, justice, and love. At the core of Christian Reconstruction is the resolve not merely to counter secular ideologies but to actively rebuild our culture based on biblical foundations. Through advocacy, community service, and leadership, we embody our faith, demonstrating the gospel's transformative power in real-world contexts.
Call to Action and Conclusion: Join the Mission to Reform America
HumblePray calls upon believers to join a crucial mission: to realign society with Scripture's truth, acting as stewards of God's creation and champions of His love. This journey rejects the myth of neutrality, urging every believer to infuse actions with biblical truth, thereby initiating widespread transformation.
Your involvement is key. Through prayer, community service, or daily acts of faith, you are vital to this mission. HumblePray provides resources and a community to foster encouragement and shared growth in our collective walk of obedience.
By committing to this path, we embody the change we aim to see, driven by a dedication to God’s Word. As part of this vibrant community, we advocate for justice, extend mercy, and offer hope, striving for a world revived by the Gospel's power.
Join us in this transformative mission, contributing to a movement that seeks God's kingdom on earth. Together, let's step forward in faith, united in the promise that through Christ, transformative change is not only possible but imminent.